Sending Alerts to Slack
Seq can monitor the event stream and trigger alerts when configured conditions occur. For example, a system produce an alert when an item runs out of »
Seq uses a roles-and-permissions based scheme for managing user privileges. Users are assigned to roles, and roles carry one or more of a handful of permissions »
We've been working away on Seq [] 2022.1 for several months, improving usability, performance, and security. Today you can download »
In Seq 2022.1 we've hit a bit of an internal milestone. It's the first release of Seq ever with no dependency »
If your experience is anything like mine, debugging in production is as much about organizing information - clues, leads, sometimes frustrating dead-ends - as it is »
Signals are one of Seq's most important and useful features. Activating and combining signals can very quickly limit a search or query down to »
> Seq 2021.4 has shipped! 🎉 Find downloads and container information at []. We're committed to making Seq »
Seq can monitor the event stream and trigger alerts when configured conditions occur. For example, a system produce an alert when an item runs out of »
Templates make it easy to copy entities like signals and dashboards from one Seq server to one or more others: * Between isolated dev, test, and production »
Seq 2021.4, scheduled for December, will be our first release targeting .NET 6 and ARM. Porting to the new instruction set began right at the »
> TL;DR: check out the complete, full-featured sample on GitHub []. .NET 6 is officially here! A lot has changed under »