Introducing the Seq Command Palette

TL;DR: ever wanted to reset the Seq events screen quickly, deselecting active signals, clearing the filter box, and resetting the date range? In Seq 2025.1, now in preview, that's Ctrl Space, followed by c. You can learn about this shortcut and others by pressing Ctrl K in any screen.

The Seq engineering team all lean heavily on command palettes implemented by the tools we use. In Seq 2025.1, we're bringing that experience to Seq, too! 😎

Pressing Ctrl K on any screen opens the command palette, with direct access to actions in the current screen, quick navigation to other parts of the Seq application, and a listing of keyboard shortcuts:

The Seq 2025.1 Command Palette
The Seq 2025.1 Command Palette
Seq is the private, secure, self-hosted server for centralizing structured logs and traces. Ingest diagnostics from OpenTelemetry and other log sources, then monitor applications and hunt bugs using an ergonomic query language and full JSON data model — without any data leaving your infrastructure.

Launching the Command Palette

There are two ways to launch the command palette. We've already seen the Ctrl K keyboard shortcut. That's Ctrl on all operating systems including macOS, where it's marked with an up-arrowhead . Right there in the middle of the top navigation bar is the other launcher, a minimized search box that you can click in to open up the palette:

"Find commands, shortcuts, and screens" in the Seq 2025.1 Navigation Bar
"Find commands, shortcuts, and screens" in the Seq 2025.1 Navigation Bar

To dismiss the command palette without selecting any command, press Esc.

Activating Commands

If the command you're looking for is immediately shown, you can click it to activate it immediately.

For most commands, typing part of the command name in the "find" box will narrow the list down until it's shown:

Typing in the command palette's "find" box to show matching commands. The user has typed "ex", which matches the "Exclude" command, "Indexing" because of the description containing "indexes", and "Next Range".
Typing a Partial Command Name

When you've found the command you need, if it's at the top of the list, pressing Enter will be the quickest way to activate it. Alternatively, you can:

  • Click it,
  • Select it using the up and down arrow keys, before pressing Enter to activate it, or
  • Press its keyboard shortcut, if it has one.

Keyboard Shortcuts

We've already seen Ctrl K, one of the globally-available, top-level shortcuts which opens the command palette.

The other widely-available top-level command is Ctrl /, which sets focus to the first search or "find" box shown on the screen.

Since browsers and operating systems bind handlers to just about every other easily-reachable key combination, other shortcuts are sequences beginning with the Ctrl ` shortcut. To activate these, first press and release Ctrl Space, then within a second or so, press the key corresponding to the shortcut.

Here are four favorites you can use on the Events screen:

  • Ctrl Space then x — exclude events matching the current search
  • Ctrl Space then c — clear the search box, deselect activated signals, and reset the selected date range
  • Ctrl Space then r — refresh the current search or query results
  • Ctrl Space then m — open the custom date range picker

These shortcuts are all new in Seq 2025.1, so we're relying on your feedback to improve and expand the set. Let us know how we're doing!

When can I use this?

The latest Seq 2025.1 preview is ready to download now, or pull from Docker Hub as datalust/seq:preview. Our target for a 2025.1 RTM is late Q1, or early Q2, this year.

We're shipping preview builds on a regular cadence to introduce a tonne of greate new features. If you like what you see, have questions, or spot issues we can fix, please let us know in the comments!

Nicholas Blumhardt

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