2022.1.7929 maintenance release

Another (possibly final!) Seq 2022.1 maintenance release is now available from Docker Hub, AWS ECR, and at datalust.co/download.

What's included?

In this release you'll find some small bug fixes and improvements:

  • Future events will use server timestamps by default (#1570) - events arriving with timestamps greater than 57 minutes into the future will be renumbered using the server clock, avoiding usability and performance problems.
  • Users with read-only permissions can now view Alerts (#1606) - underlying API permissions have been tweaked to enable read-only users to successfully view the Alerts dashboard.
  • Long usernames no longer push personal alert titles off-screen (#1605) - this display bug made personal alert titles unreadable for some users.
  • Under Docker, TLS certificates can be provided in PEM format (#1609) - Seq now accepts this popular certificate format, along with PFX.
  • Under Docker, Seq will push active file pages out of RAM to recover cache space (#1608) - this helps avoid a common failure mode whereby the Linux page cache consumes all available RAM, causing Seq queries to execute slowly.
  • Indexing errors are now properly logged (#1604) - in addition to displaying a message in the server status indicator, Seq now correctly logs errors raised during indexing.
  • Update to .NET SDK 6.0.301 (#1610) - includes .NET Runtime 6.0.6.


Seq 2022.1.7929 release is a highly-compatible, in-place upgrade for recent Seq versions. On Windows, run the MSI file and click through the post-installation setup wizard. On Linux, docker pull datalust/seq:latest and restart your container.

We're looking forward to writing more about the next major Seq release in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you have questions, or need any help upgrading to this maintenance release, please reach out via support@datalust.co. 👋